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Payment Plug-In


The client, a b2b company serving small to-mid-size companies with payment processing, wanted to create a Windows desktop installer to help their merchants configure credit card machines (terminals) with nearby computers on the same network. The Payment Plug-In helps merchants connect their terminals and computers in a store so the terminals and point-of-sale software can communicate and allow merchants to complete sales. 

Dashboard of the Payment Plug In


There were 3 specific users: non-technical office assistants, optometrists, and IT consultants.

A user persona created for the Payment Plug In application.
A user persona created for the Payment Plug In application.

The Plug In needed to be easy enough for non-technical users to install, while being advanced enough for IT users to create complex configurations.


  • Solution needed to guide non-technical and technical users through a complex, technical installation

  • Users needed the ability to create more than one configuration at a time

  • Users needed to edit configurations, turn configurations on/off and reset

  • Users needed to download an executable file once the configurations were complete so the installation could then be run on other computers without having to go through the set-up process again. 





The user first installs the Payment Plug In.

Guided Overview

Guided Overview

Once a user installs the Payment Plug In, the overview screen which guides the user through the configuration process, is displayed.

Question template

Question template

The user had to answer multiple questions to ensure their terminals and computers were set up to be detected.



The checklist was presented to users for a final check to ensure their terminals and computers were ready for detection. Advanced users (IT consultants) could come directly to this screen and bypass the guided experience.

Mapping Screen

Mapping Screen

The mapping screen allowed users to drag and drop the detected devices into a configuration module. The user had to have at least 1 terminal and 1 computer to map a configuration.

Configuration Details

Configuration Details

The overlay allowed users to see all terminals and computers that made up a configuration. They could also ping the terminals to ensure the computers and terminals were communicating.



Each time the user opens the Payment Plug In they land on the Dashboard screen.

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